About Us
These poems came in such an unusual way, making it difficult to describe "About Us".
Cam O'Keefe, who is not a poet nor claims to be, "received" the poems as a gift of the Holy Spirit during lent of 2008 and a few months afterwards. Over the following years, she wrote a few ponderings, reflecting on the implications and messages of the poems. Four years later she was prompted to dust them off and put them into book form. Not knowing exactly what that meant, she relied on the same Spirit to guide and direct the work. She takes credit only for compiling the pieces and following the will of God; the poems are His.
Cam lives in Austin with her husband of forty-five years and has three children with eight grandchildren, who have made themselves into the poem, "The Little 3-Pea Pod".
The Spirit led Cam to Valerie Pokorny, a very talented graphic designer. Valerie lives in San Antonio with her husband and two young daughters. During layout of the book, Valerie was very pregnant and extremely busy with a two-year old, but never lost sight of the vision of the work.
Together, in cooperation with the Spirit, Cam and Valerie have created a work of beauty, designed to inspire and enlighten. Intertwining poetry, sacred art, prayers, and ponderings, deepens the message and leads to certain revelation.